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YMCA of Greater Charlotte - Code of Conduct

Behaviors that Guide Our Service

The culture of the Y is infused with our core values of Caring, Honesty, Respect, Responsibility and Faith. It’s easy to talk about values, but the Y lives them out every day at work, doing what we say we believe. These seven behaviors make our culture exceptional:


  • INTEGRITY — Guide every action with honesty, fairness and strong moral principles.
  • DETERMINATION — Work hard, never give up and approach obstacles as opportunities.
  • COURAGE — Take risks, persevere and seek greater levels of responsibilities.
  • INCLUSIVITY — Value diversity and embrace how our unique differences make us strong.
  • CHANGE CAPACITY — Dream big, work toward change and promote solutions.
  • TEAMWORK — Consider different ideas, collaborate and celebrate our common goal to serve.
  • APPRECIATION — Recognize the full worth of every team member and build one another up.

Our Code of Conduct

The YMCA of Greater Charlotte is committed to providing a safe, comfortable and welcoming environment for all. We expect persons using YMCA programs and facilities to behave in a mature and responsible way, and to respect the rights and dignity of others. Our Code of Conduct does not permit language or any action that can hurt or frighten another person, or that falls below a generally accepted standard of conduct.

Our Code of Conduct outlines prohibited actions. The list below is not all-inclusive.


  • Card sharing, presenting false identification, or intentional abuse or non-compliance of YMCA policies.
  • Using or possessing alcohol or illegal drugs on YMCA property, in YMCA vehicles or facilities or at YMCA-sponsored programs is prohibited.
  • Smoking on YMCA property – all of our YMCA buildings and grounds are smoke-free environments.
  • Carrying or concealing a weapon of any kind.
  • Harassment, verbal abuse or intimidation by words, gestures, body language, or any type of menacing behavior.
  • Physical contact with another person in an angry, aggressive or threatening way.
  • Inappropriate sexual conduct including explicit conversations or any sexual contact with another person.
  • Theft or behavior that results in the destruction or loss of property.
  • Loitering within facilities or on the grounds of a YMCA.
  • Use of cell phones in locker room or bathrooms.
  • Wearing inappropriate (i.e., containing profanity or illegal product marketing), immodest or revealing attire.
  • Use of social networking websites in a manner that is contrary to the YMCA's mission, is detrimental to the community or is in violation of the law.
  • Any behavior or activity that is against the law.


The YMCA reserves the right to deny, suspend or revoke membership or access privileges to any person if, in the YMCA's sole discretion, the actions or inactions of a person are detrimental to the health, safety or enjoyment of its employees, volunteers, members or participants.

When using a cellphone to film yourself at the YMCA, please do so in a respectful manner, without infringing on the personal space or privacy of others. Filming others without their consent, as well as the use of professional photography equipment, including tripods, is prohibited. The YMCA reserves the right to deny, suspend or revoke membership or access privileges for violating this policy if necessary to maintain a respectful environment.

In addition, the YMCA reserves the right to deny access or membership to any person who is a registered sex offender, has been arrested for or convicted of any crime involving weapons, violence, sexual abuse, or the sale, possession and/or transportation of illegal drugs.