Embark on a Great Adventure with Your Child
Adventure Guides Membership is open to every father with a child (ages 5 and up). Dad not available? We welcome kids to join with a trusted male family member or friend.
Your journey begins with Guides & Princesses (1st – 3rd year) and progresses to Trailblazers (4th & 5th year) and then moves to Hawkeyes (6th year and up). Crews in each level host age-appropriate activities, earn patches and receive awards.
Guides and Princesses
Guides: Father/Son
Princesses: Father/Daughter
1st – 3rd year in Adventure Guides
Ages 5+
Members form crews which consist of five to ten father / child pairs that live in the same geographic area. Crews meet once per month at a member’s home with the host family rotating among members. Crew meetings provide a forum for spending time together, playing games, making crafts and planning future activities. Each crew schedules meeting dates, times and activities to fit their group’s schedule.
Crews participate in group outings such as:
- Outing
- Community Service Projects
- Princess Date Nights
- Sports Events
Boys & Girls
4th - 5th year in Adventure Guides
Ages 8+
Guides and Princesses transition to Trailblazers automatically once they enter their fourth year in Adventure Guides. Crews remain together and continue to enjoy their experience.
We recognize that older children are capable of participating in more challenging, adventurous activities due to their physical, social and emotional growth.
Trailblazers events may include:
- Paintball and sport skeet at YMCA Camp Harrison Outing
- YMCA Camp Cheerio Adventure Outing with caving or canoeing
- Princess Date Night Dinner Cruise
- Sailing at YMCA Camp Thunderbird
Boys & Girls
6th year and up in Adventure Guides
Ages 11+
Kids 11 old or older can join Hawkeyes without starting out in Adventure Guides. When a child receives their fifth year medallion, they transition to Hawkeyes. This co-ed program offers more adventure and encourages leadership through volunteer opportunities. Children volunteer with their fathers at Signature Events leading activities and assisting Adventure Guides staff members.
Crews may not be as active year round, but we invite you to register and attend Adventure Guides events. Stay in Hawkeyes, drive your dad to Outing and earn a special patch.