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About Our ($)PAID GROUP TRAINING Classes

Paid Group Training classes are fun and challenging workouts. These low and medium intensity exercise classes are specifically designed to combine the unique elements of group training with personalized coaching by a certified fitness instructor and accountability in a focused fitness environment.


Skill level: Basic & Intermediate Classes Available



  • Increased Balance
  • Power
  • Agility
  • Flexibility


Class Preparation

  • Participants must register prior to participating.
  • Membership to these programs include an All-Access Pass to all Small Group Training Programs within the YMCA of Greater Charlotte


Check the class schedule to find Paid Group Training fitness programs near you. Simply select the day you want and view the daily schedule for the branch.

CrossFit is a training program structured around ten components of fitness: strength, stamina, endurance, accuracy, power, agility, balance, speed, coordination and flexibility applied to challenging Workouts of the Day (WODs).  CrossFit involves constantly varied functional movements performed at high intensity.  All WODs can be modified and are appropriate for all fitness levels. CrossFit workouts are distinctive in their focus on maximizing neuroendocrine response, developing power and cross-training with multiple training modalities as well as constant training and practice with functional movements.

Medium Intensity
Intermediate Skill

Open Gym is an opportunity for CrossFit members to perform skill work and independent programming in a supervised environment. This gym time is only available to current YMCA CrossFit members.


Medium Intensity
Intermediate Skill

This strength and conditioning program is designed for 6th - 12th grade athletes and non-athletes alike. We combine gymnastics, body weight calisthenics, and light weightlifting with high intensity training to develop capacity across the ten general physical skills: Cardiovascular and Respiratory Endurance, Stamina, Strength, Flexibility, Power, Speed, Coordination, Agility, Balance and Accuracy.



Medium Intensity
Intermediate Skill

Functional Bodybuilding is the use of progressive resistance exercise to control and develop one’s muscles. This hypertrophy program, based on 8-week cycles, is designed to increase the size of your muscle fibers. This instructor-led class will help you reach your fitness goals both related to strength and physical appearance.

Medium Intensity
Intermediate Skill

Functional Training classes combine the elements of strength, power, balance, accuracy and endurance. These functional style workouts focus on compound exercises such as squatting, push-ups, and deadlifts that mimic our everyday movement patterns. For this reason, Functional Training incorporates free weights and bodyweight exercises, helping our bodies move efficiently as one unit.

Medium Intensity
Intermediate Skill

High intensity interval training, or HIIT training is an exciting workout that offers an aerobic, anaerobic, muscular endurance and fat burning exercises that will push you to your limits. The HIIT cardio routine alternates between intense bursts of multiple cardiovascular challenging activities with brief transitions *Modifications available.

Extreme Intensity
Intermediate Skill

This is a one hour class that focuses primarily on instructing and improving technical execution and efficiency of the Snatch, Clean and Jerk, and related lifts. Athletes will go through a dynamic warm up and mobility sequence at the start of class to prep them for the movements and programming designed to improve explosiveness, power, and overall lifting abilities. This class is a perfect addition to an CrossFit program and is open to all fitness levels.

Medium Intensity
Intermediate Skill

Group Reformer is a Pilates class utilizing various pieces of pilates equipment. It is a full body exercise system designed to improve posture, balance, and flexibility.  Exercises build deep core muscles to flatten the abdominals and correct imbalances that typically lead to back pain.  Enjoy all the benefits and fun of working out on the Reformer in a group setting! 

Medium Intensity
Intermediate Skill
  • Strongman can aid in increasing self-esteem, improving health, building muscle, and losing weight.
  • Classes allow participants to work to their individual potential.
  • Programming is modifiable for every fitness level with hands on coaching by certified trainers.
Medium Intensity
Intermediate Skill

Stop Swimming in Circles! Swim WOD (workout of the Day) combines strength training and aerobic swimming. Join a WOD class nearby and benefit from the low impact and added resistance of the water.


Medium Intensity
Intermediate Skill

Functional movements are multi-joint movements that are commonly part of our daily routines.  Activities such as squatting, bending, twisting, and lifting can contribute to injury if we have not trained our bodies to use proper mechanics and/or lack a strong and stable core.  Functional Movement Foundations is a fun and safe environment to learn body movement mechanics, proper weightlifting techniques and beginner gymnastics. You are guaranteed to learn something whether you are just getting started on your wellness journey or you are an experienced athlete. All movements breakdown to meet you right where you are! Each class will also finish with a traditional metabolic conditioning workout.

Medium Intensity
Intermediate Skill